Let’s be real

Have you ever Googled a celebrity or had a conversation about someone widely known and come across articles or whispers about whether they’re genuine? “What is ___ really like?” “You’d be surprised by how down-to-earth he/she is.” “Did they really mean that?” When you read that, you trust that person a little less, don’t you?

Let’s be real– genuine and authentic is in! And it’s time for us to take some notes.

We all want to believe the person we are hearing from is being real. Accusations of being “fake” or “disingenuous” often cause a huge blow in the credibility department. That’s a crucial thing to avoid, as credibility builds your company and brand, cultivates a great image, and can be something you rely on during a crisis.

We have already talked about cultivating credibility during telework in a few different ways, but it’s important to realize that credibility is easier to lose than to gain. If you show your authentic leadership in the right way, it can drag your reputation further in the right direction and do wonders for your organization.

Authentic leaders are those who lead with a purpose, believe in the mission, and are generally relatable. Lead with empathy and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable! If you’re less like a robot, and more like a person, it stands to reason that you can be a better leader. After all, no one wants to follow someone they don’t trust or relate to.

Take, for example, Taylor Swift.

I am fascinated with Taylor Swift for a variety of reasons, from her incredible storytelling that I heard on her very first album to the ways we have in some ways grown up together (we are roughly the same age.) A self-proclaimed mega fan, I have always bristled at those who said she seemed, back then, squeaky-clean and too put-together to be real. The public speculation has gone from whether she has genuine talent, to whether her country-turned-pop is effectively good, to drama she has with other celebrities to finding herself free of that reputation. I confess proudly that I have loved her through it.

She has responded to those who found her to be manipulative, fake, wrong– and she’s done it on her own terms through songwriting to lyrics and more. Each album cycle, she has revealed more of herself in interviews and songs, and she has become more comfortable doing so over time. She never lost her relatability and the personal connection she had with her fans (me) from the beginning. Swift is undeniably a brand expert and no matter how you feel about her (or think you feel about her), you can not help but realize her genius at the craft.

There’s a line from the Netflix documentary, Miss Americana, that rings especially true for any public figure struggling with authenticity. Swift is explaining what it’s like to be an entertainer in the public eye, holding an audience’s attention for the sake of her art: “”Be new to us, be young to us—but only in a new way, and only the way we want…Reinvent yourself, but only in a way that we find to be equally comforting and a challenge for you. Live out a narrative that we find interesting enough to entertain us, but not so crazy that it makes us uncomfortable,” she says. Here, she’s showing how hard it is to balance who you are vs. what you show the world publicly.

Big stars like Taylor swift walk the line of living private lives and showing the world who they are in the good, and bad, times. That’s probably why everone’s publicists are so expensive!

But I think we can all learn something from Taylor’s journey: being authentically you is not always automatic. It’s a skill that you must keep practicing. And putting yourself out there can pay off in a big way.

Taylor’s songs are all about, well, her! They’re famously like reading her diary.

How is your message, or your speech, or your interview showing vulnerability and authenticity? Are you being real?

Whether you’re telling your workforce how you’re in this together, leading with experience, mentoring a team of younger employees, or sending a message during a triumph or defeat, show a part of you that’s genuine. Tell the audience something that you really believe and it’ll shine through. Let the workforce, or whoever you are speaking to, know how you feel. Let them know how you rose above adversity, how you took a chance to land that customer, how you weren’t sure it was going to work out. Let them in.

But it doesn’t take telling your deepest, darkest secrets from your diary pages to help an audience get to know you! Tell a joke. Own it if you make a mistake, and laugh it off (or, Shake it Off re: Taylor.) If something is awkward, acknowledge it and move on. Add some color to the remarks, like a story about your family or a silly thing you did once as a kid. What’s something that’s “you” that you can use to relate to others?

Let the audience see your human side, because when you tell them more they’ll be with you. Like, really with you. They’ll connect with you so your triumph can become their triumph. Your message becomes more appreciated. People will look to you as a presence they like listening to.

All of this builds trust. Your people will love how you got real. Authenticity is the key to getting them behind you, and helping your company be more successful because of it.

I hope this inspires you to get real and show some vulnerability to boost your own credibility! A parting three things: be genuine, learn who you are as a leader and allow others to relate to you! You won’t be sorry.

What to Tell Your Team During COVID-19 Telework

Here’s 5 things to help you decide what to tell your team during an uncertain time dominated by coronavirus headlines, as you work in unconventional ways.

Let’s face it: we’re living in a strange time. Telework is mandatory for so many of us who are privileged to have jobs that allow remote work. The virus appears to be closing in on our family or loved ones. Your workforce, likely scattered across your area instead of congregating at the same workplace, may feel anxious, stressed or fearful.

Consider that they also, like you, have a lot on their minds right now. Perhaps they’re working while keeping kids busy, taking care of sick family members, cleaning or stocking up on supplies.

Now, more than ever, they need a leader.

Now is your time to be more than just a decision-maker. The tone you set now, and the way you deliver your message, can make history for your company or agency and be more impactful than you may realize. Here are 5 things to tell your team, your workforce, right now:

  • We are all in this together.”

This isn’t just a catchy High School Musical song: it really makes a difference for your workforce to know they aren’t alone in any struggles or confusion.

Whether they are choosing to self-isolate or under a government-mandated stay-at-home order, chances are your workforce is not socially active right now. This can lead to feelings of isolation that can be dangerous at worst and difficult at best. The American Psychological Association says, “loneliness can wreak havoc on an individual’s physical, mental and cognitive health.” If you can establish a community, or draw on the connection your team already makes with a feeling of community at the traditional workplace, you can remind your team they are just that: a team!

  • “Here’s how you can connect with our Employee Assistance Program.”

As someone who has considered, but never made the leap to use the employer-sponsored help program at one of my jobs, I’ll say it’s never unhelpful to have a nudge to check it out.

The Office of Personnel Management says an EAP is “a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems.”

Your team is likely processing a situation, and the accompanying emotions, they have never experienced before. The EAP can help them maintain their mental and/or physical health and be a lifeline in a crisis. Drop them an employee communication about how to connect with your company or agency’s EAP and let them know it’s confidential, free and available 24/7.

  • “I will keep you informed.”

Your team needs to know you are looking out for them and that you will not keep them waiting for essential information. Tell them you’ll keep them in the loop, and then follow through by passing along updates on a cadence that feels best for your situation and organization. You walk the line of messaging so frequently that they tune it out and messaging not often enough to answer questions before the workforce thinks of them.

What is most important here is accuracy. You can be forgiven for being a little late on messaging if it’s accurate, true and easy to understand. It’s as they say: it’s better to be right than first. Just be sure that what information you choose to share is factual and relevant to your team.

  • “Your safety and health come first.”

As you decide what to tell your team, this is a big one. This must feel authentic as you say it, and it is key for your workforce to understand they are your priority. It helps explain many of the decisions you make in a crisis situation and can do a lot for a person who is struggling to know that you are looking out for them.

If we subscribe to what Abraham Mazlow wrote about the hierarchy of need, physical (food, water, health) and security (safety, stability) are two of the most basic needs for human beings. While Mazlow’s work has drawn criticism over the years, this still highlights how highly many of us hold those values in life.

In order to be a productive team, that team needs to be its best! You show you care for your people when you keep their safety and health at the top of your priority list.

  • “I don’t know at this time, but we are looking into it.”

Any good public relations professional will tell you that if you don’t know the answer to a question, sometimes the best thing to do is say a version of, “I don’t know.” It’s part of the recipe to cultivating trust and credibility. Rather than lie, or push through answering something haphazardly to risk getting it right, it can be beneficial to tell your team when you don’t have all the answers yet.

Maybe you don’t know when the workforce can return to work. Maybe you haven’t yet confirmed how many people on your team have tested positive for COVID-19, or how this affects what you do. Maybe you aren’t aware how many people a positive case came into direct contact with, but you’re working to track it.

The key to admitting you don’t know is to add a promise: “We don’t know yet how this affects our ____, but I will let you know tomorrow before noon.” Whether you are responding to media, or just your own team, this goes a long way. It allows a reporter to tell their audience when to expect more information, and it allows your workforce to look for your timely updates. It also shows what action you are taking to directly address the unknown.

Once, a reporter I admired told me that the best thing I can do when covering political stories is to avoid pretending I know things that I really don’t. He advised me that people can see through it, and it’s better to ask for clarity at the beginning than after the report (or speech) has run. It’s simple to say and even more simple in practice. Seeking answers is an important part of leadership.

I hope this helps you communicate with your organization and display effective leadership during a stressful time.

Now you know what to tell your team, a parting three things: be empathetic, be efficient and know you and your team have each other’s backs.