Write Better: Making Your Space Your Own

Do you ever wonder why you can’t start writing? Give your space a makeover and let the words flow!

All writers know this scenario (I am not joking when I say, this could be an anxiety trigger for you): you fully intend to start writing, so you gather your laptop or notebook and go to your designated writing spot. You sit down, set up and wait for the inspiration but it never comes. You type maybe three words and have to take a break… and never pick up where you left off.

As a professional writer, I know it can be way more complicated than that. Sometimes someone interrupts. Sometimes, you become overwhelmed by research and have to go down a rabbit hole to get going again. But other times, you just aren’t comfortable enough to let yourself go to that place where you can crank out content.

Motivation comes from all over, though. Maybe you just haven’t found the right trampoline to jump on and get you out of the slump.

One way to create your own trampoline, of sorts, is to make your writing space your own. Get creative! Fill it with what inspires you! And declutter, declutter, declutter!

For my personality type– which I don’t entirely know because it differs with every (free) test I take and I’m waiting for an angel at my workplace to pay for a team assessment so I don’t have to– I know I need to feel secure in order to really achieve anything. Creating peace is important. I’ve done a few simple things at work to foster that feeling so I can reduce worries and get to writing, and I will share a few with you.

photos to write better
  • Surround yourself with photos of people you love

It really could be this simple. My husband got me this great photo printed on wood, and I love it! When I look up from my computer, I see his smiling face and it makes me feel good.

Bonus: a plant can make a space feel more cozy, especially a low-maintenance one like this cactus that stays on a shelf and can withstand the holidays when you aren’t there to water it!

personal touch to write better
  • Add a personal touch

It is easy to leave your workspace bare, with boring cubicle or shelf walls and no personal touch. It’s cheaper, too! But I find that if I surround myself with things that bring me joy, like these magnets that are made to look like planets, it can make all the difference. This very small thing, for me, promotes that feeling of peace that I need. Since I work at NASA, this allows me to feel inspired.

Organization to write better
  • Organize your space

A well-organized or well-kept space is key for success. When you know where everything is, you waste less time around the office looking for what you need to work. I like to give everything a “place” so I know where it needs to go and make sure to put it there every time. These magnetic coat hangers are surprisingly useful in my space, for example.

Clutter and disorganization breed contempt from not just your coworkers, but also for yourself. Psychology Today details the science behind the psychological power of cleanliness and organization: “Researchers… found that women with cluttered homes expressed higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” A clean space can be calming.

Bonus: See the sticky note at the top of the photo? I have all kinds of reminders placed strategically around my cubicle to remind myself to do things before I leave for the day. That way, I don’t focus on what I might forget to do: I know I will get it done. This allows my brain to pay attention to the tasks at hand.

I hope this is helpful to give you a more relaxing and useful writing space!

As always, a parting three things: clean up, take care of yourself and enjoy the journey.

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